After initial test is complete and our clients are happy with the results. We will go pedal to the metal to initiate continued growth and scalability of the campaign. Weʼll provide access to the team who will execute the strategy to the letter.
What We Do
We set up and execute an array of events, both indoor and outdoor, putting our clients products in front of the correct consumer demographic. Anything from a retail event all the way to trade shows, exhibitions, and food & wine festivals. With our vast experience in the industry around the world we implement the most efficient and innovative ways to reach and cater to each target demographic.
We will create a strategy for you to take your product to the marketplace and achieve results. We will execute market research, analyze your existing marketing campaign and make sure that the strategy both stands out and compliments it.
Prep & Testing
Weʼll field-test a campaign for you, running it how we would a full-scale campaign, on a micro-scale. Weʼll commit a team of people to test the water and allow both us and you to assess the viability of launching a full-sized campaign.